Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Several days before Christmas, I forgot to close the door to one of the storage spaces in the basement. It did not take long for Aimée to find some of her gifts. She went absolutely nuts when she saw the new Wiggles DVDs. She was ecstatic. I just didn't have the heart to take them away. For the next several days, she carried them everywhere. She ate, slept and played with one hand clinging to a case. On Christmas Eve, I wrapped the DVDs anyway and put them under the tree. Well, Aimée just about lost her mind with excitement when she discovered the DVDs once again. She cheered and danced. I nearly peed myself laughing. It was so much fun, I decided to try and do it again Boxing day. Again, I wrapped up the DVDs and gave them to her. Sure makes for an inexpensive Christmas... I just have to give her the same gift over and over again.

Here she is dancing with her beloved DVDs Christmas morning.

Here she is unwrapping them for the third time.

Here she is unwrapping them for a fourth time.

Is there anything more entertaining than messing with young minds?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Holidays!

To all our friends, we wish you a very special Christmas this year with those you love. All the best in 2010!!!

Thank you Aimée for filling my Christmas with such magic, joy, love and laughter.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Two years ago today...

After a very long wait, I got the most amazing call ever. A beautiful 6 week old baby girl from Hoa Binh was waiting for me to take her home. What a rush of emotion that special day was. I will never forget the joy in my heart when I saw my daughter's sweet little face for the very first time!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hurray for the Holidays!

I know... I know... I am quite behind in my blogging. Life has been a bit crazy around here. Thank heavens for mothers. My mom came down last week to help me out. It has been such a treat. Aimée just loved it. Here she is dancing for joy (AKA showing off for Mémère)!!!

As you can see, she would make a fantastic wedding date. She has the chicken dance down pat.

Here we are in November with Hannah and Cindy at the Christmas parade.

Then there was Liam's second birthday.

Then came Hannah's second birthday (starring Elmo). Pictures to come.

Aimée loves Hannah. She finally can say her name, "Nana". Here they are dancing up a storm one December evening.

Aimée is starting to show some interest in the potty.

We had some Christmas photos taken by Lana. (The beautiful dresses come from Sadie.)
"This little light of mine,

I'm gonna let it shine....."

Aimée and her FAVOuRITE friend Chicken Elmo.

On one cold Sunday morning, Aimée got to brunch with all of the "young" cousins in Ottawa.

We had so much fun making Christmas cards at a card making party hosted by Julie. We had a visit with le Père Noël.
A picture is worth a thousand words!

Someone please make this stop!!!!

Today is our first day of Christmas holidays. I am drunk with happiness! I am looking forward to good times with Aimée, family and friends. I plan on living in my pajamas and eating and drinking like there is no tomorrow. I hope you too have many wonderful holiday plans with loved ones. Pick up your drink and let's toast to a very splendid Christmas!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Top Notch Birthday Party!

Aimée's 2nd birthday party was a real hit! There were pony rides for all our little guests.
Wiggles the Clown was a hit with all the children.
The kids laughed and played all kinds of fantastic games.
Aimée was a super star.
It was the best party that never was. I am just recreating a more memorable second birthday for Aimée. She will never know the difference. After all, what do we ever really remember about our second year of life anyway? Our memories are based on pictures and what our parents tell us. (By the way, do you think the pony rides were a little too over the top?)
The truth is Aimée's birthday party at daycare and on the weekend were both canceled. It was just the two of us the night of her birthday. We took out the cake and candles. I sang her the Birthday song. Then, we wrapped up the cake and put it back into the fridge. We were both too sick to eat any of it.
No, Aimée did not get any ponies, birthday parties or clowns named Wiggles for her second birthday. She got pink eye, strep throat and H1N1.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Birthday, Love!

Two years ago today, a very tiny Aimée came to this world. Although I did not yet know of her arrival, I already knew so much about her.
I knew she would have the sweetest touch. I knew her silly humor (funny or not) would send me into hysterics. I knew she would have the most beautiful smile. I knew she would steal my heart forever and rock my world. And, I was right on all accounts.
Today, she is growing and becoming her own little person. She is exactly the little girl I imagined she would be so many years ago.
"I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life."
-Savage Garden
I have been given such a precious gift. I must admit that sometimes I feel undeserving of such an enormous blessing. "What could I have possibly done in life to be trusted with one of God's sweetest angels?" Perhaps it is not what I HAVE done in life, but, rather what I WILL do in life. I will always love her, protect her, guide her and cherish her like no one else.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A big Halloween BOO to you!

Hope you had a great Halloween. We sure did! We first went to a Halloween party in the morning. There were ten 1 and 2 year olds running all over the place. Despite being under the weather and a little testy, Aimée had a great time. We were pirates. Arrrrg!
Aimée has already begun entertaining the boys.... Oh dear me...
In the afternoon, after a good nap and a good dose of Motrin, Aimée played outside with Mémère.

Baby Jail!

By dinner time, Aimée was in full blown show off mode purely for Mémère and Pépère's entertainment.
Aimée began washing her hair with yogurt. Very Nice!
Night time Trick-or-Treating.
Thanks to Auntie Ju, Aimée
is now a registered Chocoholic Anonymous member.

Aimée is ca-MOO-flaged!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Jack O'Lanterns for Dummies (or Babies)

"Hello! I am going to teach you how to make a Jack O"Lantern in less than two minutes."

"Lesson One: These, my friend, are pumpkins."

Stick funny shaped eyes, ears and nose right into the pumpkin."

"It is o.k. to rearrange the facial features if you are not satisfied with your first try."

"There you have it, your Jack O'Lantern is done."

"Don't forget to take a few steps back and admire your work."

"And then, admire some more."

Yesterday, we went to the Third World Bazar in Manotick. It was awesome! It was my first time going and it was such a rush. I loved everything and wanted to buy everything. My budget only permitted a few small items, but, I am very pleased with what I bought.

Mother of pearl inlay picture of two Vietnamese women

Aimée is convinced this wood carving of a Vietnamese woman is actually a flute. She keeps trying to play music out of it.

My favorite purchase of the day was this adorable tea set.