Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, April 30, 2009

And a bah bah here, and a bah bah there....

Aimée and I are making the most of our last days together before I have to return to work. This morning Aimée had a playdate at the daycare she will be soon attending. She likes the other kids and really enjoys being there. I feel very lucky and relieved to know that she will be well loved and taken care of while I am at work. This afternoon we went to Valley View Farm with some friends.
My little sunflower

"Choo chooing" with Kathryn

Posing with Morgan


I have been watching a lot of America's Next Top Model and applied all that I have learnt in this next photo. Fortunately, my good friends are happy to comply to my direction.
Tyra would be proud!

Aimée's teeth are still hurting her. :( She won't take any teething toys to chew on but she will gnaw on a stroller.

"Can we take them home, Maman?"

"I love you, Bah, Bahs!"

Jo-ann and Little M with Aimée and I

Digging, tossing and pouring sand with good buddy Little M

And I ask, could you walk away without getting a picture of yourself and this backdrop?

Aimée is still working on her walking.

We are also enjoying our time with Hannah and Cindy. We like to go to the park, play in their backyard, walk to Subway for dinner, chase duckies at the pool or hang out in our backyard and play with our low budget sand and water centre.

Have I mentioned that Aimée's teeth are really hurting her??????
Here she is, this time, gnawing on a plastic boat.

Sweet little Hannah

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Chez Mémère et Pépère!

We spent the last week in North Bay visiting my parents. We had a really nice time despite the yucky weather. Aimée has no problems making herself at home. She had taken over Mémère and Pépère's house the moment we walked in.

Life is good!

Really good!

Aimée is snuggling with Mémère in this next picture. Her eye teeth are STILL coming out (they are taking forever) and they are hurting her very much. She is often rubbing her gums with her thumb and chewing her palm. She is also slightly on the grumpy side.

Mémère and Pépère brought Aimée (back from the U.S.) her very own Cabbage Patch baby with adoption papers and all. They got her from the Babyland General Hospital.

Mémère saw lots of babies before she found the perfect one for Aimée.

Here is baby Arianna with her new mommy Aimée.

"Aimée, you have to be gentle with Baby Arianna! "

We got to visit with our longtime friend Nicole, her family and her chickens!

Aimée playing the piano with Nicole.

Like all good things, our visit came to an end. We were sad to go home.

Only two more weeks left of my parental leave. On May 11th, I am back in the classroom.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

"We had a wonderful Easter weekend! We decorated 2 dozen Easter eggs in bright colours! On Easter morning, we had a special bunny pancake breakfast then went outside, hand in hand, for a memorable Eater egg hunt."

This is what I would like to write about our Easter weekend; but none of that would be true (including the above photo I selected randomly on Google Image).

Oh well! There is always next Easter, right? The truth is we had a mediocre weekend. Aimée was under the weather and cranky. I was exhausted. The weather was not very good. Consequently, we hung out indoors and had a quiet weekend. I did not have the energy to hide a bunch of eggs the night before (while holding down an excited dog), only to carry Aimée around in one arm and a basket in the other collecting all the darn things the next morning. Instead, I simply placed all her Easter surprises on the coffee table.

We were very happy to be invited to Cindy and Hannah's for dinner. Cindy had prepared a Bunny pudding craft. It was fun and Aimée like the ears the best.

This morning, I thought I had closed the baby gate securely. Clearly, I had not and Aimée has a radar for open baby gates. Once again, she got into the dog bowls. She loves playing in the water, watching the kibble float, then eating the wet dog food.

"What does incorrigible mean?"

"Just a few more, then I'll stop"

"I feel a little wet, Maman."
This afternoon Aimée helped Little M celebrate his 1st birthday by playing with all his new toys.

Girl chat with Hannah.

Little M and Aimée

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Blowing Bubbles!

We woke up this morning with snow covering the ground. We were just getting into the whole spring thing and now winter is back. Aimée and I had absolutely no desire to pull out the boots, hats and mittens. We just brought our spring activities indoors instead. We blew bubbles in my kitchen.

I loooooooooooove these pictures and had a hard time choosing which ones to post; so I ended uploading a bunch of them. They crack me up!

"Aimée, please don't eat the bubble!"

And a smack, smack here,
And a smack, smack there,

Here a smack,
There a smack,
Everywhere a smack smack!
(This is going to make one sticky floor)

On another note, Aimée now weighs a little over 19 pounds. Hurray!!!
(Such a serious look!)
As many of you know, Aimée is not the best of eaters. We have been attending the Feeding Clinic at CHEO and trying to improve Aimée's appetite. We are definitely making progress.

It turns out Aimée does in fact like to eat.... just not the food I prepare for her. She may shake her head at mashed potatoes, beef and carrots, but she will not hesitate to chew on hairbrush bristles, tiny felt pads from the chairs' feet, or her recent favorite, DOG FOOD! Clearly, the problem is her mommy simply has not been presenting her with the right kind of foods.