Life with Aimée is incredible. Incredibly messy, incredibly busy, incredibly exhausting and most of all INCREDIBLY SWEET! Everything seems so much clearer and authentic. When I look at my life before Aimée, it was like watching regular television. Today, my life is in high definition.
One of the things we have been working on lately is Aimée's speech. She is slow to pick up on the language thing. I am now only speaking English to her. It was suggested/ strongly encouraged to me by her pediatrician and specialists at CHEO. With the help of a speech therapist we are already seeing great improvement. Aimée is adding new words to her vocabulary almost every day.We are also teaching Aimée some sign language to help reduce any frustration she may have at not being able to communicate. If you look at Aimée's left hand in this next photo you will see she is trying to sign "I love you".
Her favourite thing to do these days, thanks to her daycare, is identify and name letters. She has even become a little obsessed over letters and yells and points them out everywhere we go. We nearly got into a car accident the other day when she screamed at the top of her lungs. She wanted me to stop because she saw and "O" (her absolute favourite letter of all) on a billboard (Joey's Restauraunt).
She is also into Playdough these days. Recently, she has learnt to roll the Playdough between her two hands. It can keep her busy for a very very long time. ;)
Can you see the concentration in her face?
Good job, Aimée!
Go, Canada go!
Oh my! What a beauty you are becoming Aimee, also Tante Denise is making sure that you are in the Olympic spirit with the hat and sweatshirt. GO CANADA GO ! ! ! I love you right back baby,
Luv Memere and Pepere
Ouaissss pour Aimée !Je suis certaine qu'elle a su reconnaitre les beaux patineurs tout au long des jeux olympiques et qu'elle les a encouragés de tout son rouge Canada !!!
Love seeing all her progress! You know I'm a firm believer in signing and it looks like she's a natural.
We love you too Aimée :) and yeah, she`s pretty cute in her canuck gear.
She is growing up to fast. She is so sweet. You are doing a great job helping Aimee grow up to a beautiful little girl.
Love ya,
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