Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sand, Snot and Student Report Cards

There you have it, our week in five words or less!

Aimée caught a nasty flu from daycare. Her eyes and nose have been producing really nasty stuff. We are both quite exhausted because she is not sleeping very well. She has been looking so pitiful, especially in the morning when her entire face is covered in dry snot (even her eyebrows and eyelashes are covered in the stuff). If you have any tips on cleaning a screaming baby's snotty face please let me know ASAP.
Poor Baby Girl!

We have been still trying to get out every day either to the park or playing in our backyard. I have been sweeping up buckets and buckets of sand from the bathroom, living room, basement, crib, bathtub, and so on. I love watching Aimée happily play in the sand; but, I cannot stand the gritty feeling it causes on my feet when it is sprinkled all over the house afterwards.

Hannah blowing kisses

Last week, was probably the toughest week since I have been back at work. I think I may be fighting the same flu as Aimée. Whether it is the flu or simply being a working mom, I have been absolutely exhausted. I feel just like I did with my mono a year ago, except now I have the added bonus of being achy all over. I am overwhelmed. There are so many things that are needing to get done both at home and at work. The most pressing one being Report cards. They are due in a couple of days. I am trying to ignore all the things that need to be done at home until I get more sleep. Aimée does seem to be on the mend. Hopefully, she will be sleeping better very soon.

Here are two pictures taking of her in her high chair. They were taken exactly a year apart. Boy, has Aimée grown!!!!

June 7, 2008

June 7, 2009


Beverly said...

Hang in there girl things can only get better.

Yes she has changed in a year. What a lovely little girl you have.

When I see you I will give you a hug and maybe that will help you through the next few weeks.

Lova ya,

Chantal said...

C'est fou comment elle a changé en un an ! Elle a déjà gagné une tête de plus en grandeur si on se fie à la chaise haute !

Elle est toujours aussi mignone qu'au début !


Deslu said...

Bonjour Michelle,
C'est vrai qu'elle a beaucoup changée en 1 an. Je regarde des photos de mes filles et c'est vraiment impressionnant.
Pour ta question, je ne suis pas certaine de bien comprendre mais, je m'essaie. Lorsque mes filles avaient l'âge d'Aimé et qu'elles ne voulaient pas se laisser nettoyer le nez... J'utilisais la "prise de l'infirmière du CARL". C'est la façon que l'infirmière emmaillottait le bébé pour pouvoir faire le vaccin sans danger. Donc, j'enroulais une de mes filles dans une serviette pour bien retenir les bras et les jambes. Puis avec mon corps, je la tenais sur la table à langer et d'une main, je tenais la tête et de l'autre j'aspirais les sécrétions. Aujourd'hui, elles se laisse faire beaucoup plus facilement. C'est quand même la chose que je déteste le plus en tant que maman ! PS, es-tu sur Facebook ? Bonne chance
Lucie maman, d'Émi-Ly et Lori-Anh

Catherine said...

Ignore the sand on the floor-it will still be there when you feel better, use a warm wash cloth to scrub the snot off, and take the report cards 1 at a time. I just finished mine today and I thought I would BLOW MY HEAD OFF before they were done. I, too, have been fighting stress and extreme tiredness and I am not doing it all on my own, like you. Take a breath-go to bed when the baby does-and know that IT WILL GET BETTER:)

Hopefully we can catch up sometime this summer when I am in Kingston visiting Jacqueline and Sadie!!