Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, May 1, 2009

Doggy Heaven

Casey has gone to doggy heaven today. My heart aches. I hope it is a place with unlimited tennis balls, chewy toys that never lose their squeak, and endless green grass.

I hope there are piles of warm fresh clothes (just pulled out of the dryer) waiting for Casey to dig into and cozy up to. I hope there are Tim Horton Drive threws with free Timbits at every corner.
I hope there are lakes she can swim in, squirrels to chase and a bazillion pink soft Frisbees soaring through the sky.

I hope she knows how much I loved her. Casey has giving me so many funny and wonderful memories. I got her when I was still in university. She was just 10 weeks old and the runt of the litter. Can you believe that I used to sneak her in my coat on O.C. Transpo and bring her to class with me? As good friends do, Casey has gotten me through some really tough times. I feel so incredibly grateful for the unconditional love she has given me over the years.

Aimée will miss her partner in crime.

Bye bye Casey! Be a good girl!


horths said...

Casey was loved, and had a great and happy life. She was such a great dog that even non dog lovers couldn't help but cuddle up with her.

Thanks for the beautiful tribute. We will miss you Casey.


Chantal said...

Ho Michelle, je suis tellement désolée pour toi. Tu ne peux pas savoir à quel point je te comprend.

Ton chien est avec ma petite Kassie maintenant ( presque le même nom et elle sont presque indentique en plus) et c'est le gros party de chien la haut!!

Je sais combien ca fait mal et j'espère que tout comme moi, tu pourras avoir un autre chien, ca fait tellement de bien au coeur.

Mais en attendant, j'espère que tu pourras passer à travers ces moments un peu plus facilement grâce à la présence de ta belle Aimée. Je suis de tout coeur avec toi.

Je pense que seules les personnes qui ont des chiens peuvent savoir comment on se sent dans ses moments alors ne lache surtout pas, elle a eu une belle vie grace à toi.

Chantal xxx

Samantha said...

Oh Casey, you are where you are supposed to be but I feel so sad even though I never got to meet you. What a wonderful way to remember her, Michelle, you have such a giant heart!

Leslie & Shaune said...

aww, i'm sorry to read this :( i know how much a dog can mean to us. he sure was a cutie pie. thinking of you.

Beverly said...

Sorry to read your sad news about Casey. You did a wonderful tribute to him. I have tears for you. I am sure he will have all those fun things where ever he is.

Love ya,

Yvonne&Rene said...

Our heart is also heavy with the lost of Casey, we have known her as a pup, babysat her for you, Dad has played catch ball with her. We have many memories of Casey camping with us, expecially when she stole a ball from another camper. Thanks for sharing your blog with the memories and pictures of Casey. Though Casey was your dog, Dad thought she was his also.
Love Mom and Dad

Deslu said...


Je suis désolé que vous ayez perdu votre compagnon. Je n'ai jamais eu de chien seulement des chats mais, l'amour inconditionnel qu'un animal nous donnes ça comble bien des vides.

Malheureusement, nos petits amis n'ont pas la vie aussi longue que nous donc, nous devons apprendre à les laisser partir.

Aimée, sera là pour combler le vide que son départ a fait dans ton coeur.

Grosse bise,
Lucie maman de Lori-Anh et Émi-Ly

B said...

Aww, Michelle, so very very sad to hear of your loss. My pup holds a special place in my heart so I understand how your heart must be feeling terribly broken.

Thinking of you.

Fiona said...

Dear Michelle, we hope that doggy heaven is just as you describe it 'cos we know that's how Casey would want it to be.
We just heard today and are so sad for you & Aimee.
We felt like she was a part of our family too.
We hope that you aren't too sad because you had so many good times together and she was so much loved - and she knew it too!

Love from Brendan, Fiona & Allan