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Saturday, May 16, 2009

She Works Hard For The Money

Yahoo! I survived my first week as a "working-outside-the-home-mama". It was not nearly as difficult as I thought (knock on wood). Sure, I am tired at night, but who isn't? I think I am doing FANTASTIC. Perhaps not everyone would agree, though. The other day, a little boy in my class asked me if I was tired. "No, not really", I said. To which he replied: "You know, you have some black under your eyes". Only from the mouths of babes.....
Aimée would like very much to be at school with me. I tried to pull some strings and get her a job as administrative assistant. So what if her feet cannot touch the floor. I don't remember that being in the job description.
I personally think Aimée would make a brilliant Administrative assistant, don't you?

My first Mother's Day was superb. I was thrilled to finally be able to celebrate this day with my daughter. And believe you me, I was totally spoiled. Apparently, Aimée had arranged/shopped with many of my friends (without my knowledge) for gifts for her maman. Aimée is very good at surprises and keeping a tight lip on things. She didn't even give away one little hint.
"Bonne Fête des Mères, Maman!!! Je t'aime!"

Aimée's first week at daycare went better than I could ever have imagined. She is very happy there. She is napping and eating without the slightest fuss. That's even better than what she does here. Bravo Bébé! She has one of the "blankies" Kathryn has made for her at daycare. I am so relieved that she has one to comfort her there. I can't thank Kathryn enough for them. Aimée loves both of them very much and is attached to them.
Here, she is snuggled up to the other one in her crib.
In case any of you were worried, Aimée and Hannah still get lots of playtime after work.


Beverly said...

I am glad all is working out with you being back at work. It was great seeing you around the school last week even though I was only there one day.

Welcome back.


Chantal said...

C'est soulageant de voir que tout se passe bien autant pour ton retour au travail que pour la garderie d'Aimée.

C'est toujours très drôle de te lire et les photos sont tellement belles !

Chantal xxx