Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mama Lisa

"Hi you, so glad you popped in."

"I'm just drawing. Would you like to see my drawing?"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, did I forget something?"

"Yup, just right there."
" Aww.. Much better!"

"O.K. Now it's ready for viewing."

"I call it the Mama Lisa. It is still very much in its early stages of course. Can you see the smile? Even Leonardo da Vinci had to start somewhere."

" Thank you, thank you Bev for the easel. I love it so much; especially the messy markers!"


Chantal said...

Une artiste est née, c'est clair !!! Quel beau paysage...c'est bien un arbre, du gazon, des fleurs et un soleil que l'on voit hein? hihihi

Beverly said...

What an artist Aimee is.

You are welcome.


Chantal said...

Michèle !!!

Ou étais tu ? J'aurais tellement aimé te rencontrer!!! Ça sera pour une prochaine fois je l'espère !!

bye bye
