Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Difficult Time...

I have not been feeling particularly positive these days. In fact, I would say I have been in a slump. The May 8th departure date which I chose not to post "just in case" has now officially been cancelled. We do not have another departure date yet; but, it will be at least three more weeks at the earliest. Who knew that a heart could physically feel so heavy? For now, if I need to just lay low and indulge in some old fashion self-pity and chocolate ice cream, I will. I know that it will pass and soon my spirit will be hopefull once again.


Leslie & Shaune said...

hey, i didn't realize today was the travel day. oh gosh, i'm glad you were able to come to kingston today instead hopefully to keep you going until you can travel.
i truly feel for you - the wait must be very hard.

it was wonderful meeting you! the card you made me was lovely and i really appreciate the special gift you gave me. i being the absentminded doo-doo that i am forgot it at Jacquelines so i called her when i got to the 401 to ask her to put it aside for me. i'm am terribly forgetful i confess.

thanks again. loved meeting you.

Unknown said...

I'll share chocolate ice cream with you any time - just give me a call!
Chin up.....
Love Fiona